Dear Friends,
Because of my ReChurch Series that I wrote way back in 2008 and 2009 (which is more than 13 books ago) …
Pagan Christianity (2008)
Reimagining Church (2008)
From Eternity to Here (2009)
Finding Organic Church (2009)
… I sometimes receive questions about “church” — even though all my newer books since then are not about “church” issues, but rather about the deeper Christian life, Jesus, and the kingdom of God.
By the way, all of the above four books work together. Pagan Christianity is NOT a stand alone volume. To properly understand it, you need to read the follow-up constructive sequels above.
In addition, George Barna and I have answered HUNDREDS of questions about the books HERE.
That said, here are the common questions I’m still being asked (you can undoubtedly find yours here):
“I’m visiting [name of state], do you know any organic churches, kingdom communities, or kingdom cells that I can visit?”
“I’m moving to [name of city], how can I get connected with an organic group there?”
“Would you be willing to lay the foundation for our church, the way you described how a church is to be raised up in Finding Organic Church?”
“I need help. I spent many years serving the system. Where can I see this kind of church life working? “
“Do you know any apostolic people in my city who are interested in starting an organic church?”
“Can you work with our present group and equip us to function and go deeper in the Lord?”
“If you are unable to work with our group, can you recommend someone who can?”
“Where can I find the kind of New Testament-type organic church life that you describe in Reimagining Church?”
“My group is having some problems, can you give us your advice on how to solve them?”
“I live in [name of city], do you know of any healthy churches where I live?”
“Do you personally coach or mentor people who feel called to plant organic expressions of the church?”
“I feel like leaving my current church. What is your advice on how best to leave?”
What follows answers every above question (perhaps not the way you want, but I’m giving it to you straight instead of blowing hot air in your direction).
As I explained in A New Season of Ministry, I haven’t been focused on ecclesiology since 2012.
The Lord has directed my focus to be elsewhere.
So I’m presently not working with nor planting organic expressions of the church.
In addition, I don’t keep a current directory of such churches either.
And right now, we are living in a day where it’s exotically rare to find a true organic expression of the church. It’s even harder finding healthy Christians who are even interested in it. Or who know what it means.
That season has passed, friends, but I hope and pray it will return again. I certainly expect it to. We just have no idea when.
Also, I’m not presently coaching or mentoring those who feel called to plant organic churches.
Finally, none of my earlier books advocate “house church” or “simple church” — they instead advocate “the organic expression of the church” which is something quite different (people still confuse the two, unfortunately).
Now here comes the straight answers:
There is good news. My new landmark book INSURGENCE: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom contains practical instructions on how you can begin a small kingdom cell — (not a cell church, but a kingdom outpost) — right where you live.
In the season where we are living in right now, many are having a lot of success with this because it only requires 2 or 3 others and the focus isn’t some kind of “church form.”
See How to Form a Kingdom Cell Where You Live.
I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND you read the following articles which answer some of the other questions listed above.
You no doubt asked one of them and that’s why you were referred to this page. The answers WILL help if you actually take the time read and apply them (a lost art today, you know — reading and applying).
Especially the kingdom cell piece above.
Why You Can’t Find an Organic Church
Kingdom Ministry – A Discussion on House Churches vs. Organic Kingdom Communities
What is an Organic Church? A Plea for Clarity
Why I Don’t Advocate House Church
Stop Looking for an Organic Church!
House Church vs. Organic Church
A Ministry Shift (New Season of Focus)
Why Organic Church Is Not a Movement
Psalm 115:1