Over 650,000 downloads and counting!
The idea of this podcast has been brewing in me even before I launched what many have called my signature book, INSURGENCE: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom.
I have seven different conversation partners on the podcast. All of them are impressive.
You can listen to the podcast on any podcast app, including the following mediums.
Be sure to subscribe as we cover the waterfront on the gospel of the kingdom — beyond what’s in the book.
The podcast reached #9 in Apple podcasts out of all podcasts in the “Religion & Spirituality” category.
What follows are the episode titles of the Insurgence podcast with more coming.
Episode Number | Title
#1: What the Kingdom of God Is Not
#2: More Kingdom Misconceptions
#3: Food, Gluttony, Fasting, and the Kingdom
#4: Radicalization vs. Legalism and Libertinism
#5: Kingdom Work and Finding Kingdom Community
#6: Racism & the Kingdom of God
#7: Pastors, OT Violence, and the Kingdom
#8: Greg Boyd Mixes It Up with Frank on the Kingdom
#9: The Culture of Heaven and the Divine Colony
#10: Profanity, Swearing, Cursing, and the Kingdom
#11: Marks of a True Disciple, False Teachers, Heresy, Jesus’ Humor
#12: The Political System and the Kingdom
#13: Revivals and How the Kingdom Message Changes You
#14: The Family Nature of the Kingdom (Mafia Church)
#15: Apostles, Five-Fold Ministry, and the Kingdom
#16: Justice, Black Lives Matter, and the Kingdom
#17: Rethinking the Sermon on the Mount
#18: Denzel Preaches the Gospel of the Kingdom
#19: Power, Ministry, and Co-Working in the Kingdom
#20: Captured and Ruled by His Glory
#21: The Rewards of the Kingdom
#22: The Missing Ingredient of the Kingdom
#23: A Clash Between Kingdoms
#24: Social Justice Warriors and Satan’s Role in Government
#25: Should You Go to Seminary?
#26: Doubting God and the Church in Ruins
#27: A Kingdom View of Baptism and Spiritual Violence
#28: Should a Christian Join the Military or the Police Force?
#29: Restoring the Full Gospel
#30: Spiritual Warfare and the Kingdom (Satan)
#31: Spiritual Warfare and the Kingdom (Demons)
#32: Spiritual Warfare and the Kingdom (Principalities)
#33: Did Jesus and Paul Preach Different Gospels?
#34: From the Cross to the Cathedral
#35: Extracting Kingdom Principles and Ministry Burnout
#36: Kingdom Cells and Real Community
#37: The Kingdom of God and Evangelism
#38: The Birth of Fallen Human Civilization
#39: Fasting and the Kingdom of God
#40: Christian Unity and the Kingdom
#41: Keeping Unstained by the World
#42: Worry, Hurry, Anxiety and Kingdom Living
#43: Trials, Tribulations, and the Kingdom of God
#44: Sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom
#45: Uncommon Prayer in the Kingdom of God
#46: Co-working in the Kingdom of God
#47: Saying Yes to God and Experiencing Joy
#48: The Challenge of Waiting on God
#49: How to Embrace God’s Love
#50: Practical Lessons on Kingdom Living: Part 1
#51: Practical Lessons on Kingdom Living: Part 2
#52: Practical Lessons on Kingdom Living: Part 3
#53: Transcending the Political Blood Bath
#54: The Kingdom is Taken by Violence
#55: How an Insurgent Approaches Scripture
#56: Demonic Possession and Mental Illness
#57: Relational Christianity, Worship, and Kingdom Creativity
#58: The Kingdom of God is Not Talk But Power
#59: Controversial Questions About the Kingdom
#60: Contending for the Faith
#61: Keeping the Eternal Perspective
#62: Taking the Blood-Soaked Narrow Road
#63: How Kingdom People Handle Crisis
#64: Does God Still Judge Nations Today?
#65: America vs. Ancient Israel and 2 Chronicles 7:14
#66: Ekklesia vs. Koinonia
#67: How to Use Scripture in Kingdom Gatherings
#68: Using Social Media to Glorify the King (15-Day Challenge)
#69: SHAMDEMIC: The Kingdom, Christians, and Conspiracies
#70: The Two Biggest Hindrances to Experiencing the Kingdom
#71: Four Toxic Anti-Kingdom Behaviors
#72: The Insurgence, Politics, and Church
#73: The Kingdom vs. Nationalism and Globalism
#74: Paul’s Gospel of the Kingdom
#75: You Cannot Serve Two Masters
#76: Kingdom Ministry: Past, Present, Future
#77: A Kingdom View of Discipleship
#78: Idolizing the Political System (Without Realizing It)
#79: Jesus Unveils His Kingdom Gospel
#80: Binding the Strong Man
#81: The Mystery of the Kingdom
#82: The Power of the Seed
#83: Small Beginnings, Surprising Results
#84: Seeing the Kingdom Come with Power
#85: Tolerate Nothing
#86: The Kingdom Belongs to These
#87: Jesus Challenges the Rich
#88: Power Through Powerlessness
#89: How Far Are You From the Kingdom?
#90: The King’s Supper
#91: Waiting on the Kingdom
#92: The Kingdom of God vs. the Kingdoms of This World
#93: The Key to Advancing in the Kingdom
#94: On Earth As It Is in Heaven
#95: Seeking First the Kingdom
#96: The Sons of the Kingdom Cast Out
#97: The Twelve Preach the Kingdom with Signs Following
#98: Pressing into the Kingdom
#99: Casting Out Demons by the Spirit of God
#100: The Kingdom & Mixture
#101: The Insurgence Continues
#102: When Heaven Invades Earth
#103: Jesus the First Apostle
#104: Persecution and Confronting Idols
#105: I Came to Fulfill (Not Abolish) the Law
#106: Jesus, Miracles, and Universalism
#107: Jesus Receives and Rejects the Unexpected
#108: Understanding the Word of the Kingdom
#109: Weeds and Wheat in the Kingdom
#110: Hidden Treasure and Priceless Pearl
#111: Evil Amid the Kingdom Community
#112: Treasures New and Old
#113: On This Rock I Will Build My Church
#114: Losing with Jesus is Winning with God
#115: The Greatest in the Kingdom
#116: Mercy and Forgiveness in the Kingdom
#117: The Kingdom and Sexuality
#118: An Image of the Kingdom Americans Hate
#119: Grabbing the Box Seats in the Kingdom
#120: Pretentious Obedience vs. Delayed Response
#121: Fulfillment Without Consummation (Plus Thoughts on Terrorism)
#122: The Old Work of God Persecutes the New Work
#123: Dismissiveness and the Inclusive-Exclusive Christ
#124: Jesus Denounces the Pharisees (Ancient and Modern)
#125: The Gospel of the Kingdom Brings the End
#126: The Parable of Reserved Oil
#127: What Qualifies a Person to Enter the Kingdom?
#128: The King Divides the Flock
#129: And His Kingdom Shall Have No End
#130: The Kingdom, Apostles, and Women
#131: The King’s Surplus
#132: Lord, I Will Follow You, But …
#133: Jesus Sends Out the Seventy
#134: I Saw Satan Falling
#135: The Path to Heavenly Treasure
#136: The Illusion of Inclusion
#137: An Invitation Rejected
#138: The Kingdom is in Your Midst
#139: The Kingdom’s Upside-Down Economics
#140: When Fear Breeds Unfaithfulness
#141: A Sober Warning From the King
#142: The Kingdom and Top-Down Leadership
#143: The Unheard Narrative of the Thief on the Cross
#144: The Landscape of the Kingdom in the New Testament
#145: Reborn into the Kingdom
#146: My Kingdom is From Another Place
#147: The Kingdom Advances in a New Way
#148: From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth
#149: Leveraging the Kingdom for Financial Profit
#150: Enduring Many Hardships to Enter the Kingdom
You can freely access all of these episodes using any podcast app. Including those linked at the top of the page.
UPDATE: Frank also has another on-going podcast called Christ is All.