Frank’s books have been translated into many different languages, including Afrikaans, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German, Chinese, Korean, French, Dutch, and Hungarian.
This page addresses all questions about Frank’s books in foreign translations.
1) To find out which books are translated into the language you want, you must contact the publisher (they are listed below) and ask for the information.
2) If a book of Frank’s doesn’t exist in your language, you must find a publisher (not a translator) that publishes Christian books in your language and urge them to contact the appropriate USA publisher for the specific book you want to see published.
(All the publishers of Frank’s books are listed below with their websites.)
None of Frank’s self-published books or articles can be translated. Foreign publishers must secure the rights from the USA publisher to be authorized to publish one of his published books.
Note that Frank doesn’t get involved with foreign translations. This is the job of his publishers.
Below are Frank’s publishers along with their websites where you can locate their contact information and reach out to them.
Baker Books – publishes Insurgence, The Day I Met Jesus, ReGrace.
David C. Cook – publishes Reimagining Church, God’s Favorite Place on Earth, From Eternity to Here, Finding Organic Church, Revise Us Again, Jesus Now.
Tyndale – publishes 48 Laws of Spiritual Power, Hang On Let Go, Pagan Christianity.
Thomas Nelson – publishes Jesus Manifesto, Jesus: A Theography, Jesus Speaks.
Click here for Frank’s books in Spanish (if you want a book published in Spanish that doesn’t appear on that page, follow the instructions above in bold.)
Frank’s book The Untold Story of the New Testament Church is being rewritten, revised, and expanded.
It is slated to release in 2025. Therefore, the old version CANNOT be translated or published. You must wait until the new version releases.
If you are a publisher (or you know a publisher) and you want one of Frank’s titles published in your language, you must contact the publisher (above) for the specific book you want translated into your language and ask them about securing the foreign rights for it.
Translators must receive legal permission and foreign rights to translate any of Frank’s books since they are copyrighted with the publishers.
Contact the publisher (listed above) to secure those rights.