When I was a teen, I wrote stories. Today, I’m embarrassed by those stories.
Why? Because I wrote them as a teen. They are poorly written, contain horrible grammar, lousy style, and the ideas are immature and underdeveloped. By the same token, I started experimenting with self-published books in my late 20s and early 30s, before blogs were created.
Upon looking back at those old titles some 20 years later, I feel the same way I did about my work as a teen. The style of those books is bad, the ideas are unseasoned and underdeveloped, they contain many errors, and the grammar is poor.
Why am I telling you this?
Because every once in a while, I’ll get an email from a reader who somehow found a book I self-published two decades ago.
And they aren’t aware that those self-published book “experiments” aren’t authorized in that I no longer stand by them. But more, they aren’t aware that those books have all been revised, updated, and professionally published by credible Christian publishers.
(I still have no idea how or why people can even find these books since they were taken out of print so long ago.)
The new ones are all authorized and have my full support and endorsement.
Here are my very old, outdated titles along with their updated, revised, and corrected counterparts which you can get on discount:
Rethinking the Wineskin & Who is Your Covering? are obsolete and outdated. They have been revised and are contained in my book REIMAGINING CHURCH (David C. Cook, 2008).
So You Want to Start a House Church? & Gathering in Homes (the booklet) are obsolete and outdated. They have been revised and expanded as FINDING ORGANIC CHURCH (David C. Cook, 2009)
From Nazareth to Patmos is will be released in 2025 under the title THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH: REVISED AND EXPANDED.
God’s Ultimate Passion has been revised and updated as FROM ETERNITY TO HERE (David C. Cook, 2010)
Pagan Christianity (green cover containing countless errors) has been revised, updated, expanded, and co-authored with George Barna as PAGAN CHRISTIANITY? (Tyndale, 2008)
Bethany (the booklet) has been revised and expanded into an entire book called GOD’S FAVORITE PLACE ON EARTH (David C. Cook, 2013)
Knowing Christ Together has been revised and expanded as REVISE US AGAIN (David C. Cook, 2011)
And then there’s the new one — my “signature” and “landmark” work — INSURGENCE: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom (Baker, 2018).
P.S. If you have any of the outdated ones, throw them out. (If it’s a digital copy, it’s not even correct, but completely unauthorized with people who added things to it. So you’ll want to delete those.)
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