Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that watched a commercial that said, “forget everything you know about slipcovers.” So it did and it was a load off its mind. The commercial then tried to sell slipcovers, but this blog didn’t know what they were.
Throughout the years, some of you have asked, “Frankie V. since you don’t profit personally from your ministry, how do you pay the bills?”
The answer is that a large chunk of my family income stream comes from SCRIBE, which isn’t a “Christian” resource. It’s for all authors of all kinds.
I was glad to create it as it’s the most valuable resource for authors that I’ve ever seen.
If interested, go to ScribeOnline.org and scroll down.
Now for today’s subject.
I started this blog on June 24, 2008.
Then in May 2011, we gave it a face lift.
However, after 12 years, I figured it was time to give the site a COMPLETE overhaul and turn it into a functional website that provides high value.
And now it’s complete.
I think the designers did a remarkable job.
The look is fresh, clean, and the new functionality is superb.
At the same time, it utilizes the same color palette we’ve had for years.
On the site, you will find:
*the most recent articles on the home page. (The last six are):
Stairway to Heaven (Rewritten and Elevated)
Revival, Reformation, Restoration, and Revolution
Hearing the Voice of Christ
New Rant on Legalism
48 Scriptures on God’s Power
Should Christians Go to Nightclubs (Clubbing)?
*over 1,000 articles (arranged by topic, by date, or by search)
*all three podcasts
*all my books
*sample chapters from the books
*the FAQ page (updated regularly)
*all my courses
*speaking invitation page and more
Give it a test drive and explore. It’s designed to deliver high value.
If you see a glitch or mistake on the site, let me know.
Until next Thursday,
P.S. For those interested, you can take a look at what the blog used to look like through the years HERE. We’ve kept the same color palette all this time.
For more, check out:
The Blog * All the Books * YouTube Channel * Courses * Speaking Invitations * Podcasts * Ministry Dream Team
P.S. If someone wanted to change your life and zealously forced this blog post on you, you can appease them and subscribe here. It’s gratis and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms. (No lemon suckers please. They won’t understand the humor.)