Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED blog post, the only blog that doesn’t care for ham and pineapple sandwiches. Nevertheless, it still wants to go to Hawaii and dreams of being invited to speak there.
Last week, I wrote about the peril of the frozen lake. It struck a chord with many of you, and I appreciated the feedback.
If you’re new to these Thursday articles, you can read the “frozen lake” article at the end of this piece. You’ll see it at the bottom.
I am so thankful to those of you who have sent me emails about how the new book, 48 Laws of Spiritual Power, has impacted you.
Especially in the days in which we are living, God’s power is desperately needed to be received and released by His people.
I’ve been alerted that some folks have had misimpressions of the book, so I want to clear those up for those of you who haven’t gotten your copy yet.
1) Some have assumed that the book is only for people in full-time ministry (pastors, preachers, missionaries, etc.). Not true. The book is for every Christian because all of us need God’s power operating in our lives as well as in our relationships with other people (both believers and non-believers).
2) Some have assumed that the book is only available as a softcover. Not true. The book is in audio and digital as well.
3) Some have assumed that the book is difficult to read. Not true. Each chapter is super short and the content is easy to digest. At the same time, the content is unique (it’s not a bunch of “reminders”).
4) Some have assumed that the book just repeats what’s on my blog and what I’ve written in these Thursday articles. Not true. 97% of the book is fresh content that I’ve never published anywhere before.
On the book landing page, you will find five videos. Four of them contain high-level interviews I did on the subjects treated in the book regarding the power of God.
They are NOT advertisements or repeats of what’s inside the volume.
And they all contain value.
Here are the titles:
The Laws of God’s Power (The Interviews – Video 1)
Unspoken Traps Related to God’s Power (The Interviews – Video 2)
Keys to God’s Power (The Interviews – Video 3)
Rethinking Failure in God’s Work (The Interviews – Video 4)
Sample Chapters in Audio (Celebrity Culture and Burn Out – Video 5)
The first four videos along with the book itself can be described as “the subtle art of receiving God’s power.”
All the videos work together and cover different ground.
Go to 48Laws.com to freely access the videos. Just scroll down when you get to the page.
If you missed last week’s article, check out Beware Your Frozen Lake.
See also 48 Scriptures on God’s Power.
I’ve got a cool surprise to share with you next Thursday that I’ve been sitting on for five years.
Until then,
For more, check out:
The Blog * All the Books * YouTube Channel * Courses * Speaking Invitations * Podcasts * Ministry Dream Team
P.S. If someone wanted to change your life and zealously forced this blog post on you, you can appease them and subscribe here. It’s gratis and comes with a dozen Super Fire Hot Wings … the kind you can only eat after you sign a set of release forms. (No lemon suckers please. They won’t understand the humor.)